Open Position: Editor of The Gatepost

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December 15, 2022

Hello neighbors! After more than two years as the editor of The Gatepost of Sharon Woods, I have recently announced to our Executive Board my upcoming transition out of this role. I’ve enjoyed my time as Editor — and have learned a lot — and now look forward to passing the baton to another person…could that be you?

If you or another Sharon Woods resident you know is organized and enjoys compiling stories, then this may be the perfect volunteer opportunity. It’s a fun mix of editorial planning, assigning articles, copywriting and editing, and print layout design. I’ve made sure to document the processes for this role, so the role transition should be relatively seamless.

If you’re interested in learning more and getting connected, please call or email President Roger Heckel (740-971-7495).

As I announced to our Executive Board, it’s my intention to see both the winter 2023 and spring 2023 issues through to completion and to train the next Editor during that period if a new volunteer has been identified.

By way of background, the role of Editor is laid out in our constitution as such:

The President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint an Association News Editor whose responsibility shall consist of editing and publishing The Gatepost. The Gatepost is to be distributed to all residents in the Association area at least 4 times during the year. The Editor shall also have the responsibility of preparing news articles on the activities of the Association for release to the news media after approval of the Executive Board.

The Gatepost Editor may also select an Associate Editor and others as necessary, with the approval of the President, to assist him/her in their duties.

Thank you for considering this volunteer opportunity or passing the word along to anyone in Sharon Woods who may be interested!

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