Calling All Green Thumbs…

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August 13, 2022

We’re proud of the beautiful landscaping at our two entrances (Route 161 and Schrock Road). Twice a year we have groups of volunteers from Sharon Woods and the Beechcroft Lions Club clean, weed, trim, and plant items in those beds. 

Between volunteer opportunities, however, there is still the need for regular upkeep. A volunteer maintains these beds throughout the spring, summer, and fall, but currently we’re looking for two additional volunteers to assist in this task. These volunteers will serve 2–3 hours per month to keep our entrances looking beautiful and welcoming. 

If you have a green thumb, enjoy gardening, like spending time outdoors, or are just looking for a simple way to support our community, please consider stepping up! Contact me (740-971-7495) to get connected with our beautification chairperson.

Thanks for considering helping out!

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.