Property Maintenance Tips

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January 18, 2023

Ready or not, Old Man Winter has moved to Central Ohio. 

Hopefully by now you’ve been able to perform your pre-winter checklist to prepare your home for those chilly nights: clearing out gutters, testing your sump pump, insulating outdoor spigots, inspecting your chimney and furnace, and adding insulation to your attic if necessary. Here are some tips for making it through the next few months until spring…

If you haven’t already, replace the batteries in your smoke detectors, fire alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. (Many people change these batteries in March, but doing so in January ensures they’re fresh for when our heating appliances are running most.)

Reverse the direction of ceiling fans to force warm air down into the room.

Do your best to keep your driveway and walkways clear of ice and snow. Invest in some ice-melting compound if necessary.

If you’re leaving town, don’t set your thermostat below 55º F. Otherwise, you’ll risk freezing and bursting pipes between your walls.

Speaking of burst pipes…Make sure everyone in your family knows how to turn off your home’s water supply in case of an emergency. This can prevent significant water damage if a pipe bursts.

Check your doors and windows for any drafts. Add some weather stripping or caulk to keep the cold out if you find any.

Keep an eye on your roof for ice dams. Icicles signify a poorly-insulated attic and a potential ice dam hazard.

Monitor trees on your property and make sure there are no large branches loaded down with snow that could become a dangerous hazard.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, so consider researching other winter tips which can protect your home and keep your family cozy:

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