Answers to Questions from Sharon Woods Residents

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May 21, 2021

We’ve had a number of residents apply recently for membership in the Sharon Woods Civic Association! As part of our application process, we invite residents to share comments about what our association can do to improve our community. Below are a few of the recent submissions, along with some responses.

If you’ve got other comments or questions, feel free to contact the Sharon Woods Civic Association, and we may address them for others to see. Just email [email protected] or call/text 614-600-2469.

Speeding on Sharon Woods Boulevard is terrible. Should the speed be changed to 25 MPH?

Sharon Woods is a major through street for Schrock Road and 161, and as such, the speed limit must be 35 to keep traffic moving. There is talk from the City of Columbus about putting a roundabout on Sharon Woods Boulevard and on Maple Canyon Drive in the future.

Stop the Shooting. Reopen the Pool on Beechcroft Road. Slow down cars and buses.

These are all good comments. We strongly urge all residents to call the City of Columbus non-emergency number (614-645-4545) to report gunshot noises.

The pool on Beechcroft Road is privately owned and thus may not open again in the future.

If you’d like to see increased police presence in our area to deter vehicle speeding, call the City of Columbus 3-1-1 number (614-645-3111) to report speeding in our area. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say!

What are the rules on grass length, junk in yards, operating a business from home, street parking, and curb maintenance?

Grass must be kept under 12 inches. You can call the City of Columbus 3-1-1 number (614-645-3111) if a household has very tall grass or has excessive junk and trash in its yard.

The 3-1-1 number can also be called to report any nuisance or noise issues, including a home-based business that’s causing excessive noise so that code enforcement can investigate.

Cars must be licensed and legally parked in the street with no flat tires.

Curbs are now replaced in the city when they repave the street. A few years ago the City of Columbus hosted a program in which you could replace your own curb and the city would reimburse you for part of the cost; call the 3-1-1 number to see if the city can provide any assistance for curb maintenance.

Why are there so many homeless people along 161 and Karl Road now?

The City of Columbus, without consulting the Northland Community Council (NCC), initiated an emergency contract with three motels along the 161 corridor and The Continent to house homeless residents, providing them with safe shelter during the pandemic. We desire to see these individuals flourish and become integrated into our community. However, much concern has been expressed about how this program has been handled in the Northland area. The NCC is discussing the topic and hopes to come to a resolution about how to move forward.

What about decorative streetlights for all of Sharon Woods and an overall community cleanup?

The City of Columbus decides to install new decorative streetlights based on a community assessment and petition program. Click here to learn more. This process requires volunteers who can commit to collecting petitions. Perhaps someone in our community would be willing to take up this task and lead the charge?

Likewise, community cleanup initiatives also require volunteers to coordinate the effort and do the work. The Sharon Woods Civic Association will continue to spearhead some cleanup efforts in the future — as we recently did with our entrance at 161 and Sharon Woods Boulevard — but we also welcome residents to initiate other cleanup projects!

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.