SWCA January 2024 Meeting Minutes

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January 6, 2024

Date: January 4, 2024

Location: Church of the Good Shepherd, Sharon Woods Blvd.

Attendees: Thomas Page, Karen Osmond, Laura Bastin, Roger Heckel, Dennis Sullivan, Nancy Glenn

Opening: Meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05 p.m.

Police Liaison: Not present but he sent the latest crime statistics for our area. If you are interested in seeing these, please reach out to [email protected] You can also go to communitycrimemap.com to have up to date information about what is going on in our area.

NCC Report (Roger Heckel): They had a speaker,Charles Newman from City of Cbus Department of Public Service. That department covers everything from the street up to the sidewalk. Charles has a YouTube page- My Buddy Charles. You can check his channel out for tips.

Hawthorn Suites, which is west of 71, is now housing displaced residents from the Colonial Village apartments.

The Sheetz gas station off 161 has been in the police reports for drug usage and robberies in that area.

NCC Development Committee (Roger Heckel): no meeting yet this month, but nothing for this area was discussed in the December’s meeting.

Treasurer Report (Karen Osmond): Karen sent the treasurer report for December.

Beautification Report (Sandra Stamps): Sandra not present.

Welcoming Committee: Laura will contact Chrissy to see what the status of this is.

New Business: Transition from full page mailers to a door hanger for cost effectiveness. It would be $315.90 for 2500 that have a front and back design. These will still include 1 exclusive advertiser. We are still in need of advertisers to help offset the cost of any mailer.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: February 1, 2024

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