September Meeting Preview & July Meeting Minutes

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July 18, 2022

September Meeting Preview

Our next association meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, September 1, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend.

Zoom Access:

Meeting ID: 850 6586 4486
Passcode: 337435

Reminder: Our association will not host a public meeting in August.

July Meeting Minutes

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

(No report.)

Vice President’s Report (Leila Ba)

Leila brought up how we are going to divide John’s responsibilities amongst the group. Roger Heckel said he would step into the President’s role for the remainder of the year. 

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent the report this week, so please let her know if you have any questions. We voted on the 2022/2023 budget. 

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

(No report.)

Landscape/Beautification (Sandra Stamps)

(No report.)

NCC (Roger Heckel and Jordan Reeves)

They discussed the power outages. PUCO- Public utilities commission They also discussed bulk pickups. We want to educate the community on how to have items picked up. They are close to identifying Larry Geis’ replacement. There is a NCC Picnic 8/9 at Blendon Woods that everyone is welcome to join. 

NCC Development (Roger Heckel)

There were multiple cases this month, but none of them impacted our neighborhood. They were all approved.

Beechcroft Lions (Roger Heckel)

There was a big group of Lions that helped pass out flags in the 4th of July parade.

Other Business

Code violations: How can we best educate our neighbors about the city code and alert them to violations? Roger is going to reach out to Bill Logan to see what is the best way to inform Sharon Woods on the topic.

Income vs. Expenditures: we are projected to have a shortfall of income to cover expenses next year. The group needs to think of ways to increase our income. Increase membership dues? Hold a garage sale with donated items with sale money going to SWCA? 

Future events: Deacon would like to see NNO happen in 2023. Could we pull off a family event in the Fall? Perhaps a chili cookoff to get people together?

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