October Meeting Preview & September Meeting Minutes

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September 17, 2022

October Meeting Preview

Our next association meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, October 6, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend.

Zoom Access:


Meeting ID: 852 9969 8179

Passcode: 961459

September Meeting Minutes

  1. President’s Report (Roger Heckel) – no report
  2. Vice President’s Report (Leila Ba) – Leila said she will try to make contact with Principal Jones about the craft show next week.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond) – Karen sent the report this week, so please let her know if you have any questions.
  4. Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin) – Laura will investigate online payment options before October’s meeting, so we can implement that before the end of the year. A suggestion from the group was an option for a ‘multi-year’ payment which would help us get more money up front.
  5. Landscape/Beautification (Sandra Stamps) – There have been 2 meet-ups to clean the islands on Sharon Woods and 161. Stay tuned for a potential third date.
  6. NCC (Roger Heckel and Jordan Reeves)- no report
  7. NCC Development (Roger Heckel) – There were many cases but only one in our area. It was about the M Star Motel. A developer is looking to convert those units into apartments which would be $800-900/month. The living space is 297 sq ft. without the bathroom.
  8. Other business- Alpine Elementary changed their drop-off/pick-up formation. It is causing issues for residents of Alpine because the parents are lining up on the street and blocking driveways. This could be an issue for emergencies or people that just need to leave their house. A resident of Alpine, Sande, came to discuss the problem, and she has already tried to speak to the new Principal about it. It was suggested that she could reach out to the School Board and copy the Principal. We are also thinking about sending a letter from SWCA to show the entire neighborhood is concerned about the issue.
  9. Welcoming Committee- Chrissy has been working on the box that will be given to the new neighbors, and she has also been making candles to include in them. A sponsorship sheet has been created to bring to local businesses to ask for their sponsorship for the welcome boxes.
  10. Website/Gatepost- We are in a log jam with content and creation for the website. We are looking for text about ‘what is a civic association, what value do we bring, etc’. The group came up with a few ideas on content to have on the website ex: other events on the calendar from community schools.
  11. Topics for next meeting: Discuss increasing the membership fee. How do we get newer families engaged? Should we post the Gatepost on different platforms and give members the option to only receive via online format if they choose?

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