Minutes from Our May 2021 Meeting

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May 14, 2021

The Sharon Woods Civic Association met via Zoom on May 6, 2021. Minutes from that meeting are below.

Our next meeting will take place via Zoom on Thursday, June 3, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend, and they can use this link to access the meeting on June 3:


Meeting ID: 890 8050 5112
Passcode: 463026

May 2021 Meeting Minutes

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

We had a great cleanup event. We also gave the SWCA scholarship out this week. John got added back to our bank account to back up Karen. Two individuals reached out about being added as Trustees: Deacon Hooper and Jordan Reeves.

Vice President’s Report (Ann Trimble)

No report.

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent out the balance sheet, and no one had any questions.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

No report.

Landscape/Beautification (Open Position)

The clean-up event went well. We will continue to advertise future events through the website, Gatepost, etc.

Northland Community Council (John Kirkpatrick)

During the last NCC meeting, the Karl Rd. library was discussed. It will close down at the end of May to move all inventory to the new building. The new building will have 3 meeting rooms, and they are encouraging groups to use those. The new library plans to open in September. The homeless board will attend a future NCC meeting. They will be discussing the 3 local hotels that have been turned into shelters. Little Turtle recently joined NCC. They had a few agenda items about road changes in their area.

Northland Community Council Development (Roger Heckel)

There were 3 applications that night, and none of them were in our area. Two were in the Hamilton Rd/New Albany area. Two of the three requests were approved. Jordan Reeves volunteered to attend NCC Development meetings with Roger Heckel.

Beechcroft Lions Club (Roger Heckel)

They helped with the cleanup, and that is important to the group. They really enjoy community service. They are putting new officers in next month.

Gatepost (Tyler Mitchell)

The first edition went well. SWCA is getting a lot of positive feedback. Tyler is going to work with Able Printing on a few things he would like to see improved with future editions. He is currently thinking about content/ad space/etc. for the July 1st Gatepost. He proposed a revamped timeline to the Executive Board and the subsequent deadlines with this new timeline. Randi is the Assistant Editor.

For the website, Tyler was able to perform an emergency transfer onto a new platform since the previous web hosting contract was ending at the end of April. He moved everything over while still working on the new website design.  He is in the content planning phase for the new website.

Welcoming Committee (Chrissy Morreale and Laura Bastin)

Chrissy and Laura have discussed restarting this program. Chrissy reached out to Experience Columbus about providing us with free materials to put in bags. They are able to give us Trail Guides that showcase local stores/shops/etc.  We would get some attraction brochures and an Experience Columbus guide. We would also want to include SWCA items: the most recent edition of the Gatepost, ‘about Sharon woods’ sheet (could update quarterly) so it has a list of upcoming events, and SWCA membership form and information about signing up online. We could potentially also include the new Karl Rd. library. We are looking to include some type of gift from the neighborhood to really make them feel welcomed. A few ideas were: SWCA magnet, coupons from local restaurants, candles that Chrissy makes that would have a ‘welcome home Sharon Woods’ label (she would only be asking for us to reimburse her for the material costs). We would like to see if a local business would sponsor the bag, so they would be getting advertisements from that. Experience Columbus mentioned that we could talk to Glenn Ave soap, Candle Lab, Tiki Botanicals, and Brownie Points because those were other local companies.

Laura will reach out to Karin to see if she can get an average number of houses that sell every month. Chrissy will try to figure out an estimate of how much the candles would cost to produce. We want to present to the group next month with more detailed costs. Laura suggested we should come up with a price per bag instead of trying to come up with a yearly cost since we don’t know how many houses will sell in a year. Thomas suggested that we try to ask our sponsors to up their ad cost to be a sponsor in the welcome program. Laura, Tyler, and Chrissy will discuss the idea of reaching out to local businesses to help sponsor. Don said that we spent $300-400 on the original program, and he thinks there is nothing more important we can do to welcome new neighbors and encourage them to join our association.


Molly Goldsmith was the winner of the $1,000 scholarship. Laura Bastin and John Kirkpatrick met with her and Paul to present her with the check. Pictures were taken, and we will feature her in the next Gatepost.

Sharon Woods Chalk the Walk Event

Chrissy discussed the idea for a new event: Sharon Woods Chalk the Walk. The idea would be to create door or window decorations, chalking your sidewalk/driveway, or painting rocks. This is to demonstrate how we can be distant but together during this time. We would like to give people a chance to win a gift card, and we would also like to feature the winners in the next Gatepost. Participants can take photos of their art, and we encourage them to post on Instagram with a hashtag. Chrissy will also monitor the hashtag to see any submissions there. Tyler said we could post something on the website, use our email list to be sent out and put an article in the next gatepost to advertise the event. Chrissy will write an article for the next Gatepost, and she will choose a date for this event. Thomas asked if we would have different categories for the prizes. Ex: adults vs children. John motioned to vote: Laura and Deacon seconded. Roger recommended bringing up the prize amount to $25 for each winner, and Chrissy seconded that motion. The group voted for the gift card amount.

Sharon Woods Community Garage Sale

Karen thinks we should have a garage sale. Laura and John have both been contacted by people who were asking about the Spring garage sale. We have suggested doing it in the Fall. It could be advertised in the Dispatch, on our website, in the Gatepost, potentially putting their houses on a map, etc. Others in the group were also interested in holding a community garage sale. Labor Day weekend was decided as a good date. $5 to be advertised. Tyler will write an article for the next Gatepost. Motion was made by Deacon Hooper, and Tyler seconded it. The cutoff date to be added to the sale advertisement will be sometime in August.

National Night Out Event

This discussion was tabled until next month.

Block Watch

Pat didn’t give a report this month, but Deacon was interested in how Block Watch worked.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.