March Meeting Preview & February Meeting Minutes

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February 4, 2022

March Meeting Preview

Our next association meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, March 3, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend. If you cannot attend the in-person gathering for any reason, use the Zoom link below to tune in online. We will do our best to make the online viewing experience a good one.

Meeting ID: 869 2460 0544

Passcode: 904387

February Meeting Minutes

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

No report.

Vice President’s Report (Leila Ba)

No report.

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent the report this week, so please let her know if you have any questions. ​​We still have 4 months left in the fiscal year, but we have already gone over the landscaping budget. We also didn’t take in as much from the Garage Sale. Please start thinking of your budgets if you are a Committee Chair.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

No report.

Landscape/Beautification (Sandra Stamps)

Our Spring Clean-Up event will be 5/25. We will meet at the Jiffy Lube at 10am. Please bring gloves, lawn bags and garden tools for you to use.

NCC (John Kirkpatrick)

Jordan and John were there. It was a smaller meeting. Officer Geis reported that 274 cars were stolen in Columbus last month. 90 were in the Sharon Woods area, and a 1/3 were in Sharon Woods. The City Attorney’s office is working to shut down hotels that are nuisance cases, and 4 are in the 161 corridor.  They had a speaker which was the President of Maize-Morse, and he spoke on how to leverage technology to boost your membership and engagement. They are planning to have the NCC Banquet in April at Villa Milano. SWCA would like to send representatives. The NCC board had their election. Alicia Ward will be the President, Pat H. will be VP, Jordan Reeves will be the Secretary and Roger Davidson is the treasurer.

NCC Development (Roger Heckel)

They heard 3 cases. None were near Sharon Woods. They were all in the Hamilton Rd. district. It was a quick meeting.

Beechcroft Lions (Roger Heckel)

They had a meeting this week. Roger presented the projects they have been asked to participate in SWCA events. They agreed to support us as we get closer to those projects. We have a volunteer from the Lions to wear the Easter Bunny suit.

Gatepost (Tyler Mitchell)

Our winter issue finished printing a couple days ago. It took about 2 weeks to print, which was expected. Mail pieces were delivered to USPS this morning. They should be delivered in a number of days, hopefully. Amounts: $835.80 (printing) + $548.59 (mailing) – $260.00 (ad revenue)

Ad sales have picked up for our next issue and even future issues. We currently have $1,080.00 in ad revenue incoming for the next 4 issues. Tyler is continuing to reach out to previous/current/potential ad partners. He has some articles and sections planned and will be contacting potential authors to assign articles. If any residents have requests for articles, please email [email protected]. The deadline for final articles for Spring 2022 issue will be March 1. (Tyler is aiming to send final assignments one week before that date.)

NCC 4th of July Parade 2022

We are in the process of planning the parade. It was decided at the October meeting to use the ideas that were started in 2020 for the 2022 parade. If you are interested in helping plan the parade or participate in the parade, please reach out to [email protected]. The meetings are on the 3rd Saturday of every month for an hour. The Lions will help pass out flags in the parade, but we also would love to have more SWCA’ers walk in the parade too.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.