March Meeting Minutes

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March 24, 2024

Date: March 7, 2024

Location: Church of the Good Shepherd, Sharon Woods Blvd.

Attendees: Thomas Page, Karen Osmond, Laura Bastin, Dennis Sullivan, Vicki Sansom, Katelyn Tallarico, Penny Hackbarth, Julie Mitchell and Sandra Stamps

Online- Tyler Mitchell, Julia Wade Hensley, Larry Clark and Donna Jackson

Opening: Meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance

Police Liaison: Officer Reed not present but sent 2 items to discuss. There have been a series of car break-ins at the Polaris mall outside of the Saks and Von Maur. The suspect’s vehicle is a newer model white Honda pilot. They are targeting pickup trucks and SUVs. There have also been a lot of stolen vehicles city-wide. While the trend is going down from last year, there has been a recent bump. You can always look at the community crime map at our area.

President Report (Thomas Page)– We are trying to make connections with our local schools. We are in touch with the PTO President at BHS. We have their approval to host a future event.

Secretary Report (Laura Bastin)– If you would like to receive the minutes/notes from our monthly meetings, please sign up to receive news and updated on our website.

NCC Report (Thomas Page): Volunteer Awards Banquet is coming up soon on 4/16. Thomas submitted our nomination for Association of the Year and Publication of the Year. Anyone can attend the awards, and the tickets are $37/hour + Square fees. You can purchase tickets at:

The Deputy Chief Zone Attorney, Tiara Ross, attend the meeting. New recruits go through an immersion program where they go through different parts of the city and meet with business leaders to learn more about Columbus. If you would like to participate in a panel discussion with the immersion program, you can reach out to Tiara. Next round is April 4th.

NCC Development Committee (Thomas Page): There were a lot of items at the meeting that were a review of previous applications. If you would like a full report from this month, please reach out to Thomas.

Treasurer Report (Karen Osmond): Karen sent the treasurer report for March. We had our best month in a long time with 4 renewals and one extra donation.

Beautification Report (Sandra Stamps): Sandra is still working with others to determine what we should propose to the city for the Sharon Woods sign when the roundabout comes in at Sharon Woods and 161. Looking to gather volunteers for a Spring Clean-Up around 5/15. Sandra will reach out to Beechcroft HS to see if we can get any student volunteers. Thomas spoke to Devon Deal who is with the Office of Neighborhoods with Columbus. They discussed ideas to develop street signs that are more decorative. We would need to mockup a sign to present to them. We would need to see if this type of initiative could qualify for a grant.

The door hangers were passed out in early March. Donna will talk to local businesses about sponsoring the next Gatepost and bring them extra door hangers to keep in their business to help get the word out to the community.

Website– Thomas would like to see if we can start putting company advertisements on the website and collect fees for that. Tyler said that we can, and we should have them pay for a period. We can also charge different fees for ads depending on where they will show up on the website.

Old Business:

501c3- Tyler is going to try to get this back in motion. We have an EIN, but we aren’t sure if we were approved as a non-profit.

The Sharon Woods directional sign on Alpine Dr. is scheduled to be moved in sometime this year. It is currently in Devonshire, and we want it moved across Karl into our neighborhood.

New Business: 

2024 Events are:

1) an Easter Egg Hunt on 3/30/24 at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The Lions will have a pancake breakfast as well.

2)Operation Street Smart- This will be held on 5/11 from 9:30-12:30. It is a program that the Franklin County Sheriff office puts on to education the community on drug awareness. We are hoping to hold this event at BHS.

3)NNO on 8/6/24. Elizabeth will sign SWCA up online. Last year we held the event from 5:30-8PM. We would like to have more neighborhood participation and bring local crafters that would showcase/sell their wares in the church while we have the traditional NNO vendors/informational booths outside.

4) 4th of July Parade is on Thursday 7/4/24. The 4th of July planning committee meets the third Tuesday of every month 7PM at Casa Mexcal. We are looking for volunteers to walk with Sharon Woods in the parade and pass out flags. The parade will start at 10 this year, and it runs the length of Karl Rd.

5)Luminaries for Christmas Eve- Laura will work with Penny and Judith on next year’s community display. Could we find neighbors to donate luminaries to expand the display?

6) Thomas was thinking that we could have a community event to honor the fire department to show our appreciation (and police) for all that they do. This could either be at the station or in our neighborhood. Is this something that our community would be interested to participate in? This could be as easy as grilling out at the station and inviting the community to come and meet our firemen. Could be a meaningful event if held on 9/11.

We are still looking for more volunteers from our community to put these events together and to take on open board member/committee roles. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in learning more.

Next Meeting: April 4, 2024

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.