July Meeting Preview & June Meeting Minutes

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June 4, 2022

July Meeting Preview

Our next association meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, July 7, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend. If you cannot attend the in-person gathering for any reason, use the Zoom link below to tune in online. We will do our best to make the online viewing experience a good one.


Meeting ID: 854 4545 2940

Passcode: 804549

June Meeting

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

No report from the president. 

We honored Officer Larry Geis for his 12 years of service with Columbus Police Department. Due to his retirement, this is the last meeting Officer Geis will be able to make for the association. He recently celebrated 30 years of service in the force. Larry shared that crime statistics were lower than normal, which is good news. He shared about the privilege of serving in the community.

Two community members shared about some issues in the Parkgate-Peardale area about the smell of marijuana and loud parties. Gunshots have also been heard recently in the area. Officer Geis had a chance to respond to the questions and shared about what the City of Columbus has the ability to do about the concerns. Officer Geis recommended continuing to call the police when issues are occurring, and contacting the narcotics division for drug-related issues.

One resident asked about the stabbing at the KFC location nearby, and how it might be connected to other violence in the area.

Sandra investigated other ways to help: contacting City Council, filing a civic nuisance claim, filing a police report, and more. A useful phone number to call for Airbnb guests who violate local ordinances is 614-645-8366.

Vice President’s Report (Leila Ba)

Leila shared a “first read” letter to potentially cut down on nuisance neighbor issues. The letter was an amalgamation of similar examples used by other organizations.

Deacon suggested adding a section to indicate the specific code number(s) being violated. John suggests inviting our community liaison, Alfred, to future meetings to address such complaints.

Leila agreed that bringing Alfred into the conversation would be beneficial.

A motion was put forward to consider continue developing the letters and to run the letter drafts by our community liaison, Alfred, before any letters are sent out. Motion passes with 7 in favor and 1 opposed.

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

May was a slow month. We brought in $408 and spent $500. For the year we are up $811.

Our 2022 scholarship was awarded to Cade Moses in the amount of $500.

Karen shared a thank-you note from her church for donating an amount in honor of her late father, John. Karen passed around the certificate of award from the NCC. Sharon Woods won the “best association” award this year.

Next month we will vote on a 2022–23 budget. Karen requests that individuals email her the budget amounts for the coming year ([email protected]). 

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

No report.

NCC Report (Jordan Reeves)

No report.

NCC Development Report (Roger Heckel & Jordan Reeves)

The NCC Development Council reviewed an apartment proposal for a location near the Continent area; the proposal was tabled for later. They also reviewed a proposal on 161 for Focus ED Investment Group which would convert a location into an office building; this motion was passed.

Lions Club (Roger Heckel)

The spring cleanup date had 4 Lions serving at the south entrance. Roger expressed concern that more members from the Sharon Woods Civic Association and community were not present. Roger highlighted the need to get more residents involved in efforts like these and like the passing out of American flags during the Fourth of July parade.

Gatepost (Tyler Mitchell)

The next Gatepost will likely go out on July 15 rather than July 1. Tyler is still developing content and advertisements for the summer issue. We have some special articles coming in the summer issue. If any residents have ideas/requests for articles, please contact Tyler ([email protected]). 

Treating Trees

Sandra recommends skipping this year’s tree treatment. This is in regards to the tree that died at the Schrock Road entrance.

Roger recommends investigating if there is an issue in the soil contributing to the problem, before we proceed to plant another tree.

Welcome Committee (Chrissy Morreale)

No report.

Beautification (Sandra Stamps)

We had 3 volunteers from SWCA on the island cleanup date, and 4 individuals from the Lions Club. Sandra reinforced the need to get more residents engaged in the volunteer process.

Fourth of July Parade

Roger is waiting on an estimate for some small flags to pass out. He will send the estimate to the Executive Board for their approval. Our association needs volunteer residents to help pass out flags at the parade (approximately 20 people).

Monument Sign at Schrock Road

John has talked with Chris C about fixing the sign. Chris has again offered his help at no cost. John would like to reimburse Chris for the materials, at a minimum.

Other Business

A resident asked about any updates regarding the roundabouts at 161 and Maple Canyon. The City of Columbus is continuing the project, beginning at the service road near the fire station.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.