February Meeting Minutes

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February 9, 2024

Date: February 1, 2024

Location: Church of the Good Shepherd, Sharon Woods Blvd.

Attendees: Thomas Page, Karen Osmond, Laura Bastin, Roger Heckel, Tyler Mitchell, Elizabeth Fulakis, Courtney Jackson and Dr. Johnson Jr.

Opening: Meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05 p.m.

Police Liaison: The former Motel 6 at 1289 Dublin Granville Rd. is going to be turned into a housing location for homeless individuals. The Community Shelter Board is in charge of this initiative. There will be renovation on the property before anyone is moved in. The main crime in our area is still stolen cars. Make sure you are locking your doors and keeping the outside of your home lit.

Courtney Jackson and Dr. Johnson Jr. joined us as guest speakers. Courtney is the BHS Booster Club President, and Dr. Johnson Jr. is the principal of Beechcroft High School. We are looking for ways to deepen the relationship between SWCA and BHS.

NCC Report (Roger Heckel): meeting didn’t happen yet

NCC Development Committee (Roger Heckel): meeting didn’t happen yet

Treasurer Report (Karen Osmond): Karen sent the treasurer report for January. They did the audit through June 2023, and the audit passed.

Beautification Report (Sandra Stamps): Sandra not present.

New Business: The new mailer that will be a door hanger is almost complete to send out. This will bring down the cost, and we will only need 1 advertiser to cover the cost/most of the cost.

Last year we held an NNO event, 4th of July Parade, AED/First Aid Training, Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Light contest and Community Luminaries.

In 2024, we are planning to hold (maybe more events down the line as well):

1) an Easter Egg Hunt on 3/30/24. Could we work with the BHS Booster Club to put one on? Roger is also asking if the Beechcroft Lions will also participate.

2)NNO on 8/6/24. Elizabeth will sign SWCA up online. Last year we held the event from 5:30-8PM. We would like to have more neighborhood participation and bring local crafters that would showcase/sell their wares in the church while we have the traditional NNO vendors/informational booths outside.

3) 4th of July Parade is on Thursday 7/4/24. The 4th of July planning committee meets the third Tuesday of every month 7PM at Casa Mexcal.

4)Luminaries for Christmas Eve- Laura will work with Penny and Judith on next year’s community display. Could we find neighbors to donate luminaries to expand the display?

Thomas would like to bring another First Aid program to the community. Potentially one called Stop the Bleed.

We are still looking for more volunteers from our community to put these events together and to take on open board member/committee roles. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in learning more.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: March 7, 2024

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