Budget Recap & Update

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August 5, 2022

Our association has turned the page into a new fiscal year, and I’d like to update you on what’s new and how we are improving our finances going forward.

The new budget year for the Sharon Woods Civic Association runs from July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023. In this period, we look forward to continuing our legacy of making our community better — including through our use of financial resources — and we thank you for your partnership in making that possible.

I’m pleased to report some budget goals that we met last fiscal year:

  • membership — including both new members joining and existing members renewing — and
  • extra financial donations from community members.

Thanks for your participation through membership and donations!

Last fiscal year, we encountered increased costs for:

  • landscaping and maintenance for the islands at 161 and Sharon Woods Boulevard,
  • landscaping and maintenance for the entrance at Schrock Road and Sharon Woods Boulevard,
  • the rental of our P.O. Box, and
  • insurance.

We have some improvements planned for the 2022–23 budget which will help our association operate better as it serves the community. Specifically, we have added funds to:

  • support our ongoing participation in the Northland Independence Day Parade,
  • enable us to host a National Night Out event in August (these have been postponed in recent years due to COVID), and
  • produce Welcome Kits which will congratulate new Sharon Woods property owners, encourage their engagement with the association, and promote local businesses.

While we do have a healthy balance in our reserves, our association has been very conservative with our funds so that we can respond to unforeseen expenses, such as the repair/replacement of our sign at Sharon Woods and Schrock Road necessitated by recent damage. We also want to ensure that we can have funds available for large scale projects, such as a streetlighting initiative, if or when we have enough volunteers to support such a program.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our association! We are always seeking to steward our community resources wisely — including membership dues and donations — in a way that will benefit all who live in Sharon Woods.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.