An Update from Pat Wood, February Meeting Preview, & January Meeting Minutes

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January 15, 2022

An Update from Pat Wood

Pat Wood, former President and Block Watch Coordinator, recently shared this update with our association:

I apologize that I am not going to be able to keep my plan of restarting the Sharon Woods Block Watch program. I have made some positive changes in my life and will no longer have the time to dedicate to the program. This is effective immediately. I appreciate all your support and comments over the years.

—Pat Wood

February Meeting Preview

Our next association meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, February 3, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend. If you cannot attend the in-person gathering for any reason, use the Zoom link below to tune in online. We will do our best to make the online viewing experience a good one.

Meeting ID: 818 6016 7636
Passcode: 940018

January Meeting Minutes

Update from Officer Larry Geis

We are down in our precinct for crimes. Remember to not warm up your car during the winter because that will drive thefts up. They caught some of the people that were participating in gas station robberies.

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

We were able to hold a few activities in December: dinner meeting (which also was the election of officers), holiday lighting contest, and luminaria. Thanks for Deonna, Roger, and the Lions Club who drove through the neighborhood and picked the winners for the lighting contest. We sold 385 candles this year which was a lot more than last year.

Vice President’s Report (Leila Ba)

(No report.)

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent the report this week, so please let her know if you have any questions.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

Laura will send out the meeting notes to everyone who attended. Tyler is going to post online and also send out the Zoom link. If you would like the notes sent to you, please make a request to [email protected].

Landscape/Beautification (Sandra Stamps)

Our spring cleanup event will be May 21. We will meet at the Jiffy Lube parking lot at 9:00 AM. Please bring gloves, lawn bags and garden tools for you to use.

NCC ( John Kirkpatrick)

Jordan was the only board member present, and he ran the meeting. Judith Cockrell from SWCA gave a presentation about Elevate Northland.

NCC Development (Jordan Reeves)

(No meeting last month.)

Beechcroft Lions (Roger Heckel)

Lions are waiting on SWCA to determine the 2022 event calendar and which events we would like volunteers for.

Gatepost/Website (Tyler Mitchell)

Tyler is hoping to get the rough draft out by the end of this week. This edition is late. If you are interested in seeing a topic discussed in the Gatepost, please send your idea(s) to [email protected].

NCC 4th of July Parade 2022

We are assembling a group to start planning the parade. It was decided at the October meeting to use the ideas that were started in 2020 for the 2022 parade. If you are interested in helping to plan the parade or participate in the parade, please reach out to [email protected]. The meetings are on the third Saturday of every month for an hour.

Tentative Schedule of Events for 2022:

Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast: Leila volunteered to help with the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 16, at 10:00 AM. We can commit to a hunt even if there is no pancake breakfast. We can determine more details about the event when we get closer to the date.

Spring Cleanup: May 21 (try to use Nextdoor Lawn & Landscape, LLC for mulch and clean-up/plant flowers). 9:00 AM meet in the Jiffy Lube parking lot.

Membership Drive: Should be included in the Summer Gatepost or we can send out a separate postcard mailer.

Garage Sale: We would like to keep it over Labor Day (9/2-9/5), but we would like to make it easier moving forward. We will get the word out about the date, and then try to rally neighbors to join on that date. Leila will take on communicating with people that want to participate in the Garage Sale, so we can continue to collect $5 from people to be advertised. She will also work with Tyler to create the map of the people who have participated.

Welcome Committee: Laura and Chrissy are still working on this. We are building out the materials to include in the welcome kit.

Yard of the Month: Jordan is going to work with Roger on that.

Chalk Drawing Contest: Laura will ask Chrissy and Ian if they want to run that event again.

Fourth of July: Laura and Leila are attending the meetings as representatives for SWCA.

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