Minutes from Our November 2021 Meeting

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November 12, 2021

The Sharon Woods Civic Association met in-person and via Zoom on November 4, 2021. Minutes from that meeting are below.

December Dinner Meeting

Please note that our next meeting will take place in-person at Fujiyama Steak House of Japan (5755 Cleveland Avenue) on Thursday, December 2, at 6:30 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend.

The official business will take place at the beginning and should last about five minutes, giving us plenty of time to mingle and enjoy a unique dining experience. Attendees must cover the cost of their own food and drinks, but those in our group will receive a 25% discount on entrées! Due to the cooking method in Japanese steakhouses (flash fires and oil in the air), attendees are advised to wear comfortable, washable clothing.

Because this is an off-site gathering, we are unable to provide online (Zoom) access.

November 2021 Meeting Minutes

Report from Columbus Police Department Representative (Officer Larry Geis)

Biggest crime in our area is car theft/breaking into cars. Larry advises everyone to take all personal items out of their car. He also encourages everyone to have appropriate lighting outside of their house. Officer Geis has been trying to work with Emmanuel Remy’s office to not allow panhandlers in the center medians. It is a danger to them and the drivers. If you would like to help this get implemented, reach out to Emmanuel’s office.

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

Jordan Reeves will be the nominating chair for the 2022 executive board which will be discussed in December.  If you are interested in running for a position, please email [email protected]. There were about 8 people that attended the last island clean-up.

Vice President Report (Ann Trimble)

Nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent the report this week, so please let her know if you have any questions.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

Laura will send out the meeting notes to everyone who attended. Tyler is going to post online.

Beautification (Sandra Stamps)

Sandra Stamps volunteered to chair this position. If you are interested in helping with our landscaping efforts next year, please let an officer know.

Northland Community Council Report (Don Schneider)

They are still working on the homeless situation in the 161/71 corridor. The library is completely open now, but they will be closing libraries on Sundays starting 11/14 because they are having staffing issues. NABA had their most successful golf tournament this year. Alfred is our liaison for our area to the city, and they have brought up the issue of streetlights to him. He is supposed to get back to us on this. The NCC December meeting and dinner is at Don Tequila’s.

Northland Community Council Development Committee Report (Jordan Reeves)

There were 4 cases, but 1 was postponed.

Columbus Beechcroft Lions Club Report (Roger Heckel)

The Lions helped with the end of season island clean-up.

Gatepost Report (Tyler Mitchell)

We are going to mail the winter issue, and Tyler is going to email the article authors their deadline. The website is still being worked out. Tyler is going to write a blog post to see if we have anyone in the neighborhood who is willing to shovel snow for neighbors.

Luminaria & Holiday Lighting Contest

John will be ordering this year’s luminaria candles to distribute. Karen, Roger and Deonna will be judging the Holiday Lighting Contest this year. They will have the initial pass through the neighborhood the first week of December and then go through again. They will send Tyler the pictures to include in the Gatepost after that.

Northland Community Fourth of July Parade 2022

The Northland Community Council is assembling a group to start planning the parade. It was decided at the October meeting to use the ideas that were started in 2020 for the 2022 parade. If you are interested in helping to plan the parade or participate in the parade, please email [email protected].

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.