Minutes from Our October 2021 Meeting

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October 7, 2021

The Sharon Woods Civic Association met in person and via Zoom on October 7, 2021. Minutes from that meeting are below.

Our next meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, November 4, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend. If you cannot attend the in-person gathering for any reason, use the Zoom link below to tune in online. We will do our best to make the online viewing experience a good one.


Meeting ID: 864 5869 7498
Passcode: 459946

October 2021 Meeting Minutes

Members Present

John K, Karen O, Ann T, Don S, Char S, Judith C, Jordan R, Roger H, Tom W, Ann T, Leila B, Sandra S

Report from Columbus Police Department Representative (Officer Larry Geis)

Officer Larry Geis joined us to discuss the uptick in local crimes. Robberies at gas stations have been more prevalent lately, especially the theft of purses as women fill up their vehicles. Officer Geis recommends that residents lock valuables in their cars while pumping gas and to be vigilant and mindful. Don’t leave valuables lying visible in your car. Officer Geis also recommends that residents refrain from allowing cars to idle unattended to warm up before driving in winter months; instead, it is recommended to invest in a remote car starter or to keep watch over the car while it idles. A resident shared concerns about neighbors using fireworks throughout the year (creating noise issues and leaving behind shards and shells) as well as noise coming from loud vehicles along the 161 corridor. Officer Geis acknowledges these issues and recommends always calling the non-emergency police line to report noise and other complaints.

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

The association was contacted about a potential partnership with a nationwide security company to sell devices to residents. John will follow up with the referrer to explain our advertising policy and how to purchase ad space in The Gatepost.

Vice President Report (Ann Trimble)

Nothing to report

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Memberships have been trickling in. Last month presented strong ad sales for The Gatepost.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

The Secretary was not present.

Northland Community Council Report (Don Schneider)

The NCC discussed many of the same items by Office Geis. A representative from the Columbus Metro Libraries presented about the renovated Karl Road branch, which includes meeting rooms and new hours of 9:00 AM–7:00 PM. Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein presented information on the city’s caseload. The NCC also discussed panhandling, redistricting, and the success of the recent Northland Area Business Association golf outing. The NCC voted to add Peppertree Civic Association to its membership.

Northland Community Council Development Committee Report (Roger H & Jordan R)

The NCC Development Council heard cases from three parties last session. Enterprise is installing a new location at Karl and 161 and requested a variance to be able to display a sign on the front of the building. A dermatology clinic on Morse requested an offset to be limited and a variance to add three additional signs. A dog daycare on 161 requested updates to existing variances.

Columbus Beechcroft Lions Club Report (Roger Heckel)

The Lions Club is not currently hosting many events. They are currently in the process of planning a pasta dinner at a location on Wilson Bridge Road. They will host a booth at the St. Elizabeth Church Community Festival (October 17, 12:30–5:30 PM, 6077 Sharon Woods Boulevard) to screen youth for potential eyesight issues.

Gatepost Report (Tyler Mitchell)

The fall 2021 issue has incurred a delay due to health and machinery issues at the printing facility. Tyler was told the production will be completed soon. After that, the new Gatepost issue will be mailed directly to residents within 3–5 business days.

Student Trustee Presentation (Jordan Reeves)

Jordan has a desire to connect school-age youth with the association to infuse our organization with new ideas and service-minded students. He has a connection with a local school and is willing to take the lead on this initiative. Students would ideally choose a committee to join and contribute to. A resident recommended also considering working with a local scout troop to facilitate such connections. Another resident affirmed the original idea and thought the initiative would give youth something productive to do with their time. Roger H mentioned that such community engagement would make a student an ideal candidate for the Columbus Beechcroft Lions Club scholarship for high school seniors. Judith C volunteered to help Jordan with the initiative. Jordan plans to write an article which will go into The Gatepost, on our website, and will serve as a springboard for other methods of engagement with students.

December Activities

  • Holiday Lighting Contest: Roger H, Karen O, and Deonna M have worked together to form a plan for this initiative. The committee will gather together and judge nominated properties. An article will appear in the fall 2021 Gatepost.
  • Christmas Eve Luminaria Tradition: John K and his wife are coordinating this initiative. They will purchase candles soon. An article will appear in the fall 2021 Gatepost and residents have an opportunity to purchase candles through the association.
  • Santa Visit Tradition: This initiative has been postponed until a future year.

December Meeting Plans

In the past our association has hosted a community dinner in December to coincide with our December meeting. We’re considering multiple options for this year’s December meeting: a potluck-style meal at the church facility, a pizza party at the church facility, a meeting at a local restaurant, or a normal meeting without a food option. The association will discuss and vote on these options in our November 2021 meeting.

Other Business

The final Island Update Day is Saturday, October 23, at 9:00 AM. All Sharon Woods Residents are invited to come help clear out some foliage, remove leaves, and clean up the islands at 161 and Sharon Woods Boulevard for the end of the season.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.