Reminder: Community Garage Sale on September 3–5

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August 13, 2021

Reminder: Our 2021 Sharon Woods Community Garage Sale is coming up Friday–Sunday, September 3–5.

If you live in the Sharon Woods community, consider hosting a garage sale on Labor Day weekend this year! By hosting your sale on September 3, 4, and/or 5, you’ll benefit from heightened visibility thanks to the many households also hosting sales in our community. The Sharon Woods Civic Association will be promoting our Community Garage Sale dates online, on social media, in The Gatepost, on community flyers, and via the Columbus Dispatch.

Each household will be responsible for organizing and hosting their own sale.

Advertise Your Sale

If you would like to advertise your garage sale to the community, click here to fill out the form. If you purchase an advertisement, your address will be published alongside other garage sale addresses on a community flyer and our website. Please submit your advertisement purchase before August 23. Only ads from households located in the Sharon Woods community will be accepted.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.