Minutes from Our July 2021 Meeting

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July 14, 2021

The Sharon Woods Civic Association met in person on July 1, 2021. Minutes from that meeting are below.

Our next meeting will take place in person at the Church of the Good Shepherd (6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard) on Thursday, September 2, at 7:00 PM. All Sharon Woods residents are invited to attend. If you cannot attend the in-person gathering for any reason, use the Zoom link below to tune in online. We will do our best to make the online viewing experience a good one.


Meeting ID: 830 4493 5197

Passcode: 547503

Note: Our association will not meet during the month of August.

July 2021 Meeting Minutes

President’s Report (John Kirkpatrick)

We completed the first clean-up event June 12. We picked up a lot of trash. Our next clean-up is August 7. The entrance at Sharon Woods/Schrock Rd needs to have its trees trimmed. Pete Frisch is going to work on that with his neighbor. John did reach out to the city to see if they would help as well. John has the SWCA meeting signs to announce when we are having meetings. He wants to have someone pick those up from him. Deacon Hooper said that he will take them.  They should be put up the Sunday before the meeting. There are other signs that people have to put up in their lawn, and we are encouraging people to put those up too.

Vice President’s Report (Ann Trimble)

We had 12 people come to help stuff the Gatepost in bags, and we had 31 volunteers to deliver.

Treasurer’s Report (Karen Osmond)

Karen sent out the June report, and we have a proposed 2021–2022 budget to approve. Karen, Don, and Roger will perform the audit for this year. They will meet up with Karin to do so. Karen moved the proposed budget for a vote. Tyler and Funmi seconded.

Secretary’s Report (Laura Bastin)

Laura will send out the meeting notes to everyone who attended. Tyler is going to post online and send out the Zoom link. Laura is going to edit the membership list.

Landscape/Beautification (Open Position)

Roger would like to see if we can restart the Yard of the Month. He feels that it is a nice part of the Gatepost to help show our neighbors what others are doing. We would like to see this happen in 2022 since we missed the deadline for the latest Gatepost. We would like to have a “Yard of the Month” sign for the winners. Could we have this done solely by nomination instead of having someone drive-by? Could we also post the top few and then whoever gets the most likes is the winner? Have different categories for winners?

Northland Community Council (John Kirkpatrick)

No meeting yet this month because they are meeting next week at Friendship Village. There is a picnic happening this year, and anyone is invited.

Northland Community Council Development (Jordan Reeves)

Roger and Jordan were unable to attend. They didn’t receive a report from Dave Paul, so no report this month. There were 2 issues that night. Roger will forward the notes from the meeting.

Beechcroft Lions Club (Roger Heckel)

There were 6 Lions that delivered to Skywae and Sharon Woods Blvd this week. They will come to help with the August clean-up.

Gatepost & Website (Tyler Mitchell)

The Gatepost was printed and stuffed to be delivered on time. He is working on a spreadsheet for past and future Gateposts to keep track of the types of articles, ads, etc. that we ran at that time. That way we can keep everything fresh.  He has been working on selling ads for future Gateposts. The ad price went up as well, and he already has multiple interested parties to advertise. Advertisers should have their information in a month before we expect them to be delivered. Tyler is asking for all articles to be turned in to him by September 1. If anyone has ideas for articles, please let him know.

He is through with the design phase of the new website, and he is wrapping up some content as well. We have an issue with our PayPal account right now, and we will get this resolved soon.

Garage Sale

Karen can go through membership forms from the applications from May/June 2020 to see if anyone has paid to be advertised for the Garage Sale. Tyler/Karin will contact them to see if they want to hold one this year. John will take the list of people that do advertise for the Garage Sale to make a map. They need to have their application and information in by August 23. John is going to call the Dispatch to let them know when we are having the garage sale. Jordan volunteered to manage our Facebook page moving forward. We will also post on Nextdoor.

National Night Out Event

We sent a note to everyone in the Gatepost about the porch light vigil.

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Thanks to the Northland Swim Club for sponsoring this article! Click here to learn more about advertising to the Sharon Woods community.